#teamluxeperformance Cars Update

#teamluxeperformance Cars Update

Really sorry its been sometime between blogs but here’s a quick update :)

The #teamluxeperformance Excel Cup car – we ran a couple of bearings in the engine the last time I drove, the car felt strong but the engine failure ended the night.  We are very lucky to have some great local help Damien at DC Auto Centre helped strip the engine out of the spare car and Excel legend Paul Passaris rebuilt the spare engine for us at the drop of a hat to finish it of we added a baffled sump by Carlos Ambrosio to stop any future oil surge.

Thanks to the WA Sporting car club we had the car out for a bunch of laps to run the new engine in and had Anthony Jewell a young WA Karter and Emma Gellan (Gellan IP race family ) clocking up laps. Both have expressed interest in driving the car at future events for us.  Following on from this Emma drove the car at the State Speed Event Series at Barbagallo Raceway - The weather was atrocious, but Emma drove well improving every session and was one of few who didn't come of the track.

We’ve been flat out with cars but the next event for the Excel is the WA Excel cup endurance race this weekend. The local category has set this up for the second driver to be an interstate Excel Series driver - Paul Passaris has again led the charge and sorted drivers for us - we have Local IP state champion Geoff Duckworth along with QLD Excel champion Brock Giblin driving the car for this event and look forward to seeing how we go. 

In other news we have given the Skyline sports sedan a few upgrades in the rear end and awaits the annual Torque trophy event, further to this we have brought a 2013 VE SS commodore  we initially brought it for the engine and box but it was just to nice to wreck.  The idea is to convert to a basic drift car for passenger rides and demos, have been judging the state drift series and want to keep a hand in, I also think the cars are getting dated and theres only so long we can keep using 20yo silvias for - will keep you posted on this.

In the mean time get to the track and support your local category’s– there’s two full days of racing this weekend.

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